Practitioners prescribing oral contraceptives should be familiar with the following information relating to these risks. 医生给患者开口服避孕药须熟悉以下相关风险。
For an oral application, the authority for administrative reconsideration shall record the relevant information on the spot, which shall be signed and stamped by the applicant. 口头申请的,复议机关应当当场记录上述情况,并由申请人签字或者盖章。
English teacher's training in University of Denver in u.s.a; shanghai junior student oral English test official; network administrator, information technology teacher in addition. 赴美国丹佛大学接受英语教师班培训;上海市少儿通用英语口语考试考官;校网络管理兼信息技术教师。
Have good written and oral English communication skills, with demonstrated ability to communicate scientific information to others-Sound communication skill with cross-function teams. 良好的英语读写能力;-团队合作能力和良好的沟通技巧。
As a matter of fact, oral information is the earliest, the most frequently-used as well as the most useful method of communication. 事实上,口传信息是人类最早的、最常用的、也是最有用的社会信息传播方式。
As an important aspect for autonomous learning, the second classroom of college oral English teaching, based on constructivism, is a new learning mode supported by information network technology. 大学英语口语教学第二课堂是学生进行自主学习的重要方式,是以建构主义为理论基础,以信息网络技术为支撑的新型教学模式。
In the early period of oral society, reading was based on the transmission of practical information. 早期的口语社会,阅读基于实用信息的传递;
The relationship between the infant nursing bottle caries and the feeding patterns, oral health behavior and parents 'oral health information 婴幼儿喂养方式、口腔卫生行为、父母口腔卫生知识与奶瓶龋的关系
In giving an oral presentation, we should not only organize information and ideas coherently but also deliver the speech in a clear and vivid way. 进行口头陈述时,我们不仅要把内容和想法连贯地组织好,还要清楚生动地表述好。
This leads to the Oral Historian's Anxiety Syndrome, that panicky realization that irretrievable information is slipping away from us with every moment. 这种令人恐慌的认识导致了口述历史学家的焦虑症&那些无法挽回的信息正在每时每刻随着时光的流逝而从我们身边溜走,化为乌有!
Oral expression is the most widely used communicating way in the modem information society. 口语表达在现代信息社会中是应用最广泛的交际方式。
The Development of Oral And Maxillofacial Trauma Information Management System 口腔颌面部损伤信息管理系统的研制
Management of Enterprise Oral Archives in Background of Information Management 知识管理背景下的企业口述档案管理
Objective: To develop the intraoral camera management system of oral mucosal diseases by means of the techmology of information management, database nad graphics. 目的:在口腔内窥镜的基础上,应用计算机信息处理、数据库和图像技术,开发口腔黏膜内窥镜管理统。
Finally the author suggests and explores four learning strategies for teaching and learning college English oral English based on information technology. 最后提出和探讨了应用信息技术克服大学英语口语学习障碍的四个学习策略。
The difference in Chinese and English thinking has on cross-cultural communication great influence whose concrete embodiments take the form of the influences on oral communication, on communication by means of written information, and on commercial activities. 汉英思维的差异对跨文化交际有很大影响,具体体现为对口头交际、书面信息交流的影响和对商业行为的影响。
Oral English Tests within the Information Processing Model 英语口语测试在信息加工模式中的作用
Speaking is the oral output and expression of the ideas and information. It is one of the basic language communication activities. 说是思想、信息的口头输出与表达,是最基本的言语交际活动形式之一。
Supported by computer network, oral English training process focuses more on numerous information input, autonomous learning and communicative practice. 这项教学试验以计算机网络为支撑,教学活动重在信息输入、自主学习和交际训练。
Information society requires the talent of high quality who has better oral expression ability of exchange information. 信息社会要求高素质的人才应该具有较强的交流信息的口头表达能力。
Reflection on the Study of Oral Information 关于社会口传信息研究的思考
We can conclude that two major factors which influence the oral output are relevant linguistic knowledge and the ability to transform this knowledge into oral information effectively. 并分析了这些特征产生的两个主要因素,即影响口头输出的两个主要因素:相关的语言知识和将这种知识有效地转化成口头信息的能力。
Interpretation is an extempore and unpredictable oral activity in which information is transformed from a source language into a target language. It is regarded as a dynamic cross-cultural oral communication process. 口译是指用口头表达方式将原语信息转换为译语信息的一种即席翻译活动,是动态的跨文化口头交际的过程,具有即时性,不可预测性。
Data were collected through written and oral tests and analyzed through SPSS. Personal interview were used to obtain more detailed information in this study. On the outset, several questions have been put forward to make the research concise and clear. 在研究过程中,所收集的口试和笔试数据均通过SPSS软件进行统计和分析,而且除了笔试和口试数据外,个人访谈也被采纳用以调查研究中的细节信息收集。
While in the oral text sentences are not complete, global information is critical. 而口语中的文本往往不是完整的句子结构,因此全局信息格外重要。
The objective of College English Teaching is to develop students 'ability of using both oral and written English to exchange information effectively in their future work or daily life. 大学英语教学的目标是培养学生英语口语和写作的应用能力,进而使学生能在未来的工作和日常生活中有效地进行信息交换。
I deeply involved with civil, by interviewing the shadow play performances and producers, got a large number of oral information. 因此,笔者深入民间,通过与海宁现今仅存的两个皮影戏团的皮影戏老表演艺术家及皮影戏影人制作者的访谈,获得大量的口述资料。
For personas are designed from the image data, film or oral interviews, surveys and other characters of various channels to collect some relevant information. 进行人物角色的设计都是从影像资料、影视片或者人物口头采访、调查等各种渠道去搜集一些相关信息。
During the oral communication age art communications had limitations of space, time and the amount of information, while its meaning is very uncertain. 口语媒介时代的艺术传播具有不确定性和时空的局限性,信息量有限。